Šī informācijas īpaši ir noderīga visiem, kas plāno attīstīt savu biznesu, parādot savu konkurētspēju. Sertifikāti ir efektīvi komunikācijas veidi. Jums ir starptautiski atzīts sertifikāts, un ar Jums runā un respektēs jebkurās pasaules vietās. Post COVID-19 laiks īpaši prasīs kvalitatīvi, ātri, efektīvi, zaļi, droši un ilgtspējīgi veikt savu uzņēmējdarbību. Visas nepieciešamas zināšanas ir ISO dokumentos.
Tag: iso 14001
Standards will help meet 17 Goals to Transform Our World
If you need additional arguments for making a decision on the standardization of the areas of your business, then here they are:
In 2015, the UN developed 17 goals that all countries should achieve by 2030. These goals are not ambitious, and in many ways the minimum necessary.
In turn, the ISO organization has prepared a list of the standards they have developed that can support the achievement of these goals. Among these standards are well-known management standards management systems, such as the management of quality systems ISO 9001, environmental protection systems ISO 14001, and the new standard 2018 – occupational safety ISO 45001.
So everyone has the opportunity to support the goals, and let me remind you that standards and standard’s certification are not the same thing. You can develop a system, implement it and get a result without showing it to a third party. Certification is only a communication tool, which is selected based on the strategic plans of the organization and its capabilities.
Thus, your decision to make adjustments to the management of your business, based on the best international practice, will give the world more than you can expect!